Kids birthday party

Snake parties are a great way to entertain and educate kids of all ages. The essential element of the snake party is when the reptile handler brings snakes to a venue and allows the children to meet and greet the critters. In Melbourne there are several mobile wildlife displays that bring snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles for the kids, but only one of these actually lets them hold the animals. That is Australias best reptiles, owned and operated by the snake man Ray Hoser.
Snake parties can be done indoors or out so are effectively weather proof and can be done at any time of year. As it happens, the businesses that do mobile zoo entertainment and education are always busy and so if thinking of having a reptile party, it is wise to book first before sending out invitations. After all there is nothing worse than having the recall invites and tell everyone that the event is at a different time.
Most snake party shows start of as an interactive display where the children are given an educational reptile display and told the essential things they need to know. These include any safety education and how to be nice and gentle to the critters they may be lucky enough to get hands on with.
After the interactive show, the kids are usually allowed to meet and greet the wildlife. For most mobile wildlife show displays this means a gentle pat of one or two animals. However with the snake man and his show, this usually means that the animals are literally handed out to the kids and they get to hold them and learn about them in a way that only a hands-on show will deliver. Often it is the adults at the party who get into the reptiles more than the kids and it is not unusual for the adults to spend time with the snakes and other critters long after the children have lost interested and decided to stuff their faces with junk food.
Reptile shows and incursions usually include snakes of various kind and size, baby crocodiles, frogs, lizards and turtles. The better shows have venomous snakes as well, but of course they are illegal to be displayed anywhere in Melbourne and the rest of Victoria unless they have been surgically devenomized in order to make them safe. As of 2014, the only company with these devenomized snakes is the snake man's shows and that is why his are regarded as the best around.
It always gives Melbourne kids bragging rights when they can tell others that their snake parties have had the worlds deadlist snakes and other stunning reptiles as their wildlife guests.